Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hurray......i am a mommy soon

Today, I just want to think about my baby and do all things concerning it. I want to share all my experiences from the day I got pregnant till date. They deserve 5 to 6 posts all together. I will just tell you how and when I got to know about this good news. How I broke it to every one etc and things like that…….

January 7th was supposed to be my periods date. When I did not get it, I grew concerned the first time itself. I had a strange feeling that it is going to be my baby. I waited for 4days and tried home pregnancy test. It showed positive within seconds. I was happy but at the same time little doubtful. I have read in many blogs that we can never rely on this home test. But i could not keep this news within me and woke up my husband. (It was 4 am) He too was happy but was unconvinced like me.

After that i travelled to my mom's place on the same day. Once i told this to mom she took me to a doctor. She did not examine me and said that was too early to decide. We were not happy with the news and visited another doctor. She too said the same but gave me few tips to be careful.

Me n S did not want to disclose this news then itself. On Jan 23rd, i went to Wockhardt and got a scan done. The monitor was showing my baby inside the womb. It has travelled through the fallopian tubes and reached my womb. Doctor said that i was 6weeks pregnant already. To be honest i could not make out anything from what i saw on the monitor. It was just few mm long. But i could clearly listen to its heart beat. And it was the first time that i saw my baby, be it a thing with such an atomic size. For the first time after my home pregnancy test, my joy knew no bounds. I just felt like jumping and wanted to tell this news to every one in the world. I just could not hide my happiness. Unfortunately S was busy with his phone calls as usual and could not make it to see the scanning done. Both of us felt bad about that.

My morning sickness period has already begun 2 weeks before and there were days when i literally used to puke anything i ate or drank. Unable to cope up with this, i used to cry in isolation. In spite of all this i never had any hatred towards the baby. I do not really know when that mother in me has born. I used to browse every day and tried to know as many things about pregnancy as possible. I was very shy to discuss these things even with my mom. I used to count days after days and weeks after weeks. I used to look at the scanned pictures of babies and imagine how my baby looked. There was not even a single day that i did not see those pictures.

We divulged this news to our friends and relatives once i entered my 4th month.

Even at the slightest of the discomfort, i was afraid and used to run from pillar to post to know about these symptoms. I plan to write a blog myself which would help all the would be mothers cope up with their pregnancy blues. I still need to know many things about this. I even want to keep track of all the changes that are happening in my body and would like to show these to my baby one day.

I just entered my 5th month. I am happy that i passed successfully out of my first trimester. My morning sickness has disappeared and I am comparatively feeling a lot better. Right now.........I am eagerly waiting to get the next scan done so that i can see my baby.

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