Friday, May 23, 2008

Peek In

It has been a while since there are any posts from me. There are actually many things that have happened. The reason for my hiatus being work pressure in office. But, i guess i would update few of them if not everything.

We have bought a car (Hyundai I-10) on May 15th. It coincided with my hubby's birthday. Even though he says it is for my comfort, you can clearly make out that it is for his baby. What a doting father!!!! I did not get to ride in it due to our never matching work schedules. He still makes an effort to drop me to office.

The baby is doing quite well. Its kicks, flutters etc have increased considerably. I usually feel and see the kicks after my lunch and dinner. These days it is active during my morning snack time(10:30 - 11) as well as noon snack time(3:30 - 4pm)

I have been trying to eat all sorts of healthy food like vegetables, nuts, fruits etc. I am even eating bittergourd very much. I have a penchant for that yummy vegetable. I want my baby also to like it. I am trying to get S used to it. I have heard that the baby likes all the food its mom ate when it was in her womb. I dont really know how far it is true but I am just trying.

I think i am able to figure out the foods it does not like. It kicks and moves alot when I eat hot and spicy food. It does not like tea also. I hope it like the bitter gourd. I usually do not have any problem in eating any type of vegetarian food. Hope my baby is also like that. I drink lots of milk so that i do not ahve any problem in getting to make her drin milk when she grows up. I have a niece who hates milk just like her mother.

I came to know that MOTHERCARE is also in bangalore. I plan to get an abdomen support from there. I am hardly six months pregnant and i already have a lot of muscle pain in my abdomen. I also want to buy some maternity clothing there.

I am already done with planning my maternity leave. If all goes well, I will go on leave from 18th of August which is exactly 4 weeks before my due date. After that i will break my leave for few days and opt for LOP for probably 3 months. It will be mid of Jan by then. The baby will be just 4 months old. I do not know how i will manage with it at that time. S did not give much thought about it. He needs to understand that it is very important. We are yet to decide whow we will manage the finances during that period. Now that we have a car loan and baby will also join us at that time, we need to do some serious planning.

I am getting tired very easily these days and hence am unable to spend much time with the baby. But I am properly enjoying its kicks and movements.

I never had any interest in designing clothes. Surprisingly, I have developed a keen interest in observing baby clothes and I started sketching teh designs myself. Oh baby, you have a great amma.

More in my next post.

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