Thursday, April 3, 2008

My First Trimester

By the time i came to know about my pregnancy, i was half way through my first trimester. This is the case with most of the ladies. In this nuclear age no female has got time to take care about herself. I feel its better if we get to know a little early as we can start taking all the care we should for the well being of the baby.

We are not actually pregnant the first week or two of the time allotted to our pregnancy. Conception begins approximately 2 weeks of our periods begin. Strange it may seem, but I did not know about this initially. Only after my first visit to the doctor i knew this fact.

During the first month, i had severe nausea. I sometimes used to vomit during nights also. I used to feel dizzy very often. My breasts have become swollen, tender and heavy. I used to urinate at the rate of once an hour. I used to get tired very easily and used to feel exhaustive almost throughout the day. I experienced very bad headaches which alleviated my vomiting. That was a torture.These were the physical changes in me.

I started taking Folic acid and Zincovit pills which i continue till now. Though i could not eat heavy meals because of my nausea, i included fruit, leafy vegetables and dry fruits in my diet as much as i can. I made it a habit to have coconut water daily. There are countless benefits of coconut water. Coconut water acts as effective oral re hydration, keeps the body cool, mitigates the risk of urinary infections, Contains organic compounds possessing growth-promoting properties.............and the list goes on. I drank lots of water. One more advice is to drink lots and lots of milk. (This should be low fat skimmed milk. Otherwise it leads to weight gain) On an average you are required to consume 1200mg of calcium. Some of this can be substituted by yogurt, kidney beans, oatmeal and leafy vegetables. I personally do not like Kidney beans. So i ate Muesli, leafy vegetables and Yogurt. Calcium intake reduces the risk of tooth decay and osteoporosis in future.

I was 46kgs (approximately 101 pounds) during my first visit. I am --------------now. Right from the beginning, my intention was to gain as much weight as is good for the baby and not a pound more. I thought it would be difficult to lose this weight post delivery. I even intend to join Lamaze and Yoga classes. I am in search of them now. I intend to take my husband also to those Lamaze sessions. I guess this would help make him feel a part of this whole process of birth. He says he still does not have that feeling of fatherhood though he is happy about my pregnancy. He empathizes with me always, but does not understand my physical and emotional state. This might be a problem faced by many a woman. It is our responsibility to make them understand everything.

By the time i started taking proper diet regularly and got used to it, i entered my second trimester. All the above mentioned feelings i had, have disappeared. (Though i occasionally have bouts of nausea.)

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